Sunday, June 14, 2009

My farm

My farm of an extent of nearly 13 acres was gifted to me by my Parents.
It was bought by them as a dry land and they have invested their hard earned money , time and effort to make it as a coconut farm.
It has the following
a) Two big open wells with submersible motors
b) One bore well
c) Coconut trees -850 Nos.
d) Mango trees -20 Nos.
e) Sapota trees -03 Nos.
f) Avocada-01 No.
h) Lemon -02 Nos.
i) Guava -05 Nos.
j) Pomegranate -03 Nos
k) Orange -01
l) Seetha -01 No.
m) Neam tree- 10 Nos
n) Palm tree - 25 Nos.
o) Teak -20Nos.
p) Ucaliptus -3 Nos.
q) savuku -15 Nos.
All coconut trees are drip irrigated from both the wells.
It has spacious tiled farm house around 2500 sq.ft
One worker quaters of 160 sq.ft
One cow shead of 640 sq.ft
Two big groud level water tanks
One vasantha mandapam.

Entire land is PAP irrigated.

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